Minggu, 20 Mei 2012

Reading - DEPLU Youth Ambassadors to Australia

laughing, sdii al-abidin, outing class
Hi...!!!! Mr in this time akan memberi kalian READING. The title is DEPLU Youth Ambassadors to Australia. Are ready to read it? Great...!!!!

My name is Balqis. I am one of Youth Ambassadors of Indonesia 2009. All of us met Kevin from Kang Guru and the Ambassador of Australia in Indonesia when my friends and I visited Australian Embassy in Jakarta. After that we all went to Perth in Australia. Perth is a very natural and very beautiful city and its citizens are so friendly.
One the first day a delegation of members of the Western Australian Parliament welcomed us in their office. They gave us some snacks and drinks. And after giving us a welcoming speech they kindly gave us a free ticket to the Perth Zoo. On day 2, we visited a locall high school and received information about the system of teaching Bahasa Indonesia there. And I was very surprised because they have very, very brilliant ideas about how teach Indonesian language and make their students enjoy it.
On the third day we did our live theater performance at Perth College. The students liked our performance very much. Visiting Perth was an unforgettable experience, so thanks Australia that you are a good neighbor to Indonesia and I trust that Indonesia and Australia will have a good relationship forever. Thanks Kang Guru  

Untuk latihan soalnya bisa kalian kerjakan di halaman  # OLT - DEPLU Youth Ambassadors to Australia

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