Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013

What Time ?

What about your condition this time my students? I hope you all is fine. English time..!!! Waktunya kita ngomong dengan memakai Bahasa Inggris alias Speaking Time. We know that we can say English because we usually speak English. Tak apa grammar and pronunciation-nya kurang sip, the most important is practice, practice, and practice. Ini terbukti ternyata anak-anak kelas 6 cool abizz praktek speakingnya. Mau lihat video praktek speaking kalian?? Ini Mr kasihkan Speaking Video kedua teman kalian kelas 6 Ammar bin Yasir Class, Ais and Bima with theme What time? OK class, enjoy it...!!!
That`s wonderful speaking, right? Both of you are so amazing guys..!!! Yang penting ngomong, You semua semakin fluenty aja alias lancar ngomong English aja. Right, I think that`s all for one of your video speaking. Wait up in the next video..!!! Bye..Bye...

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