Selasa, 04 Desember 2012

want / wants to & have / has to

i want to, want to, to infinitive
Hello class? Nice to meet you again in English. Right, kali ini Mr akan menjelaskan pada kalian terkait pemakaian kata WANT/WANTS TO & HAVE/HAS TO. Sebenarnya jika you sudah paham tentang Simple Present Tense maka secara tidak langsung kalian paham materi ini. Bedanya di materi kita kali ini (want/wants to & have/has to) disebut to invinitive atau kata kerja (Verb) yang membutuhkan kata kerja (Verb) lagi, yakni V1. Coba perhatikan rumus di bawah ini..!!


want / wants to + V1
have / has to + V1

NOTE : Ingat rumus They, We, I, You (dewi ayu) tidak mau -s & He, She, It mau -s

Do you remember? Itu lho yang sudah Mr bahas di Simple Present Tense. Great..!!
Berarti bisa kita terapkan di WANT/WANTS TO & HAVE/HAS TO juga;

want to / have to ---> itu untuk Pronoun They, We, I, You

Example : I want to go to the park.
                 They want to come to the library.
                 You have to go to the airport.
                 We have to play football.

have to / has to ---> itu untuk Pronoun He, She, It

Example : She wants to go to the dentist.
                 He has to do his homework.
                 Flo wants to go to the shopping mall.

OK, class.. Do you understand now? Mr yakin kalian sudah paham karena ini sama penggunaannya di Simple Present Tense.
Anda sedang membaca artikel tentang want / wants to & have / has to dan anda bisa menemukan artikel want / wants to & have / has to ini dengan url, anda boleh menyebar luaskannya atau mengcopy paste-nya jika artikel want / wants to & have / has to ini sangat bermanfaat bagi teman-teman anda, namun jangan lupa untuk meletakkan link want / wants to & have / has to sumbernya.

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