Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Where was Flo Yesterday?

reading,reading together,read,reads,membaca
Hi.. Class?? Nice to meet you. Mr senang sekali bisa bertemu kalian lagi kali ini. Pada kesempatan ini Mr akan beri kalian Reading. Please read Flo`s letter by listening the MP3 below..!!! 

Read. Where was Flo Yesterday?

Dear Mom,
How are you? It`s our second day at adventure camp and we`re having a great time. We have some new friends, too-they`re from Spain and Mexico. They`re teaching me Spanish, but I`m not very good at it!

Our first night was great. There was a big dinner to welcome everyone and there were songs by the campfire. After the campfire we went to bed. At night our tent was cold, but it was warm in the sleeping bag.

Today, we`re walking to a wildlife park that`s next to the camp.

Here`s a photo of me with my friends and a photo of last night`s campfire.

Love to you and Dad,

Flo                                                  Dikutip : Our Discovery Island - Student Book Page 16

It`s so quite simple, right?? Mudahkan? Mr yakin kalian sudah sangat fluently alias lancar dan fasih. Jika sudah lancar dan fasih maka sekarang coba kerjakan soal latihan di Activity 12 di bawah ini :

It`s very simple right??? Gampang kan?? OK class, I think enough for Reading material today. Don`t forget mampir having fun dulu di Sing A Song :  Adventure Camp, Mr yakin kalian akan semakin suka dengan Bhs Inggris. Is it right??? Hee.. He... Nice to meet you on the next meeting. Bye..Bye...!!!
Anda sedang membaca artikel tentang Where was Flo Yesterday? dan anda bisa menemukan artikel Where was Flo Yesterday? ini dengan url https://kanggurukoe.blogspot.com/2013/01/where-was-flo-yesterday.html, anda boleh menyebar luaskannya atau mengcopy paste-nya jika artikel Where was Flo Yesterday? ini sangat bermanfaat bagi teman-teman anda, namun jangan lupa untuk meletakkan link Where was Flo Yesterday? sumbernya.

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