Sabtu, 20 Oktober 2012

How + Adj + Aux (is,are,were,was) + S/Pronoun?

Pict: ODI book p.24
Hello, my students.. How are you today? Bagaimana kabar kalian? Right, kita sudah memasuki Unit 2 "Wildlife Park". Pada Unit 2 ini ada bab bagaimana membuat dan menjawab pertanyaan "Adjective Question Sentence". OK, lets start now...!!!

Rumus : How + Adj + Aux (is,are,were,was) + S/Pronoun ?

Ket : -  Adj = Adjective - Aux = Auxiliary

# Adjective 

Example : tall, high, long, old, heavy, fast, short, big, etc
Tentunya kalian masih ingat ini adalah pelajaran kelas 5 dan sempat kita bahas juga comparative sentence .

# Auxiliary / kata kerja bantu : am, is, are, were, was
# S/Pronoun : I, You, They, We, She, He, It, Lion, Cheetah, etc
Right, itu beberapa istilah yang perlu Mr jelaskan. Now, lets go to our material & langsung ke contoh biar mudah dipahami.

Remember RUMUS : How + Adj + Aux (is,are,were,was) + S/Pronoun ?

Example : 

How heavy is it? It`s 800 kilograms
How tall are you? I`m 185 centimeters tall
How old is she? She is 10 years old
How fast is the cheetah? It`s 100 kilometers per hour
How tall is the giraffe? It`s five meters tall

Pada materi ini Mr juga akan menghubungkan pada materi sebelumnya tentang Comparative Sentence. Do you remember? Right, Mr review sedikit.

Example :
The giraffe is taller than the rhino
The giraffe is the tallest
The cheetah is faster than the lion
The elephant is bigger than the cow, etc

Mudahkan? Good...!!! Mr yakin kalian sudah bisa. OK, I think that`s all for our material today.. See you..!!
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