Meet me again Mr Nashrudin on your favorite site Kang Guru, "make English in your habit". Kita bertemu lagi di sesi Sing A song. OK class, in the last meeting Mr sudah beri satu lagu di Unit 5 : Trips. Nice song?? I know you like it. Jika di Unit 5 lagunya
tentang have fun di tempat rekreasi, berbeda di Unit 6 kali ini we`re going to talk about arts and entertainment. Do you like movie? Do you like music? If you like them, here we`re going to sing a song about them.
Right, lets sing a song : Arts & Entertainment together..!! Are you ready singing together?? Right now, Lets sing a song...!!! Check this
Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal 2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)
Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal 2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)
Unit 6 : Arts & Entertainment
Chorus :
Did you hear the music last night on the radio? (x2)
I didn`t feel happy. I was so sad.
But the music was great. It made me feel glad.
Yes, I did. Playing funky jazz was a saxophone.
And I loved dancing to it on my own.
No, I didn`t. Was it pop?
Was it rock?
What was it like?
Country music with guitars and violins. It was all right.
Yes, I did. It was kind of music I choose--guitar and harmonica playing the blues.
(Reff : Our Discovery Island, page 74)
What about this song? It`s more interesting, right? Vocab-nya mudah dihafalkan kan? OK, semoga you can have fun with this song. So, wait me up on the next having fun - Sing A Song. Bye..Bye...
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