Sing a song time, it can make you enjoy in your study, especially English. Are you ready singing again? Good! In previous unit we had sang Unit 7, sing a song : Space. Jika di Unit 7 kita telah pergi keluar angkasa, melihat bulan, bintang, dan benda-benda langit. It`s different for this Unit, we`re back again on the earth, kita kembali ke Bumi. Go Green to save the Earth itulah tema kita kali ini, because we`re going to sing about The Environment. Ya, tentang lingkungan dan bagaimana kita menjaga bumi ini dari polusi. OK class, to the point aja, lets sing a song : The Environment together..!! Are you ready singing together?? Right now, Lets sing a song...!!! Check this
Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah
satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal
2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)
Unit 8 : The Environment
What can you do to help save the Earth?
You can use public transportation and not always take a car.
There`ll be less pollution; you can do your part to help save the Earth,
By cleaning up the air, cleaning up the air.
What other things can you do to help save the Earth?
Recycle all waste paper, and save some trees.
At home turn off the lights, and in stores reuse your bags.
Collect the garbage on the sidewalk.
Keep the planet clean.
So, what`s the most beautiful place in the world?
I`m not sure I can say, I really don`t know.
The mountains, the oceans, the fields of green.
Let`s look after the planet and keep it clean!
Keep it clean, keep it clean.
Let`s look after this planet and keep it clean!
(Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 98)
Gimana is it nice song? Do you like it? So am I. But do you know, this song is the last song in 6 level. Ini adalah laggu terakhir di Mata Pelajaran Bhs. Inggris. Kalian setelah ini akan melangkah ke jenjang pendidikan yang lebih tinggi. Keep the Earth, Keep fighting, Keep studying, and Keep your spirit...!!! Goodbye...!!
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