Hi..!! Hi..!! Having Fun Now...!!! Meet me again with Mr Nashrudin, your English teacher. Unit 1 has passed. We`re going to the second unit, that is "Wildlife Park". Huuuu... Takut..!!! Don`t worry and don`t be afraid, though kita dalam bab ini kita akan membahas terkait Wild Animal alias binatang liar mereka tak akan makan kita. Kan cuma gambar. He.. OK class, to the point aja jika di Unit 1 kemarin sudah Sing A Song : Adventure Camp. Right, Mr yakin kalian sudah menyanyikan lagu bab 1, It was interesting right??? So, today Mr akan kasih kalian lagu terbaru untuk Unit 2. Yaps, be patient please..!!! Sabar.. Lets sing a song...!!! Check this out..!!
Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah
satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal
2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)
Wildlife Park
Chorus :
Take me to a place where the days are longer.
Where I can be with the animals, wild and free.
Take me to a place where the trees are taller.
Than the houses and the buildings in the big city.
In the sea there are seals, smaller than otters.
There are blue whales, longer than my street.
Can you see the turtles, swimming in the blue water?
They`re bigger than my pet fish, but they have feet.
In the jungle there are tigers, faster than taxis.
There are panthers, darker than the night.
I want to see the lemurs, sitting in the trees.
I really love wild animals, orange, black,or white.
Orange, black, or white.
Orange, black, or white.
(Reff: Our Discovery Island Book, page 26)
(Reff: Our Discovery Island Book, page 26)
It`s interesting right??? Menyenangkan bukan?? So, wait me up on the next having fun - Sing A Song. Bye..Bye...
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