Smile up please...!!! He.. Great condition meet you again my beloved students. Do you miss me, Mr Nash? Wow...!!! OK, Class kita bertemu lagi di sesi Sing A song. In the last meeting Mr sudah beri satu lagu di Unit 6 : Arts & Entertainment. Amazing song, right?? Jika di Unit 6 lagunya
tentang arts dan hiburan, berbeda di Unit 7 kali ini we`re
going to talk about SPACE. Woww....!!! So amazing...!! An alien, planets, comet, stars, moon, etc. Do you wanna be astronaut? Do you wanna drive spaceship? If you like them, here we`re going to sing a song about
Right, lets sing a song : Space together..!! Are you ready singing together?? Right now, Lets sing a song...!!! Check this
Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal
Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal
2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)
Unit 7 : Space
Travel in space is more exciting.
Than travel on Earth below.
It`s more complicated, too, and more frightening.
If you really want to know.
The question is -- think about it,
Do aliens live out there?
And if they do, are they more intelligent.
Than humans everywhere?
I don`t know all the answers.
But one thing I know is true.
That the world is an amazing places.
And it`s just right for me and you, me and you.
(Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 86)
It`s so exciting and amazing, right? Wow... OK masih ingin jadi astronot kan? Great..!! OK, semoga you can have fun with this song. So, wait me up on the next having fun - Sing A Song. Bye..Bye...
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