Hi..Hi..!!! Nice to meet you again my students and my friends. Kita bertemu lagi di sesi Sing A song. OK class, in the last meeting Mr sudah beri satu lagu di Unit 4 : Good days and bad days. Gimana lagunya rancak kan?? I know you like it. Jika di Unit 4 lagunya tentang pengalaman buruk (bad days), berbeda di Unit 5 kali ini kita akan mengunjungi nice places. Because in Unit 5 talks about TRIPS. Right, lets sing a song : Trips together..!! Are you ready sing together?? Right now, Lets sing a song...!!! Check this
Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal
2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)
Ada dua MP3 bisa kalian pilih salah satu MP3 Berikut :
1. Supaya tahu bagaimana cara nyanyinya, silahkan Klik yang Music + Vocal
2. Jika sudah bisa, silahkan Klik yang Music without Vocal (Instrument Only)
Unit 5 : TRIPS
We went to an amusement park yesterday.
A special treat for my brother`s birthday.
Did you like the Ferris wheel, going up high?
Yes, I did! Because I can fly!
Did you like the carousel with horses of gold?
No, we didn`t! The horses were small and we`re too old!
Did you like the bumper cars then, fun and fast?
No, we didn`t! Our car was slow and we were late.
So what rides did you like? Did you enjoy your trip?
Did you like the miniature golf and the pirate ship?
Yes, and we loved the roller coaster, it was so quick.
We went on it ten times and now we feel sick!
(Reff : Our Discovery Island Book, page 62)
What about this song? It`s more interesting, right? Vocab-nya mudah dihafalkan kan? OK, semoga you can have fun with this song. So, wait me up on the next having fun - Sing A Song. Bye..Bye...
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