Arts and entertainment itulah tema kita di Unit 6 ini. Jika sebelumnya di Unit 5 kita telah membahas Our Vacations beserta dengan Latihan Soal Online-nya, maka Reading kita kali ini terkait dengan seni, story, film, and alat-alat musik. Yes, that is about Arts and entertainment. Sebagaimana kalian ketahui di page 72 - 80 dalam buku Our Discovery Island membahas many arts and entertainment maka di Reading kita kali ini kita hanya akan fokus di sub tema story. Yah.. We will talk about pengalaman Krishan yang telah membaca sebuah buku dengan judul Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Untuk lebih jelasnya silahkan kalian baca sendiri ya..!!! Oiya, don`t forget di Unit 6 ini juga ada Sing A Song : Arts and entertainment.
Bagaimana serunya pengalaman Krishan, As usual, Lets read together by listening the Mp3
below. Are you ready??? Great...!!! Listen up and read loudly...!!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
I love this book. I read it every day
last summer. It`s about a boy, Greg. Greg is a normal boy in middle school and
he writes in a diary (he says it`s a “journal”) every day. Greg has a best
friend, Rowley, and a mean little brother.
I don`t think Greg is wimpy. He`s really brave and clever. There
are some funny events. My favorite part is the story at Halloween. One day,
Greg and Rowley argue and they aren`t friends anymore. Greg is friends with his
neighbor for some time and doesn`t speak to Rowley.
The ending is good, but I
can`t tell you! The book was really funny and it made me
laugh a lot. I loved the cartoon pictures in the book, too. I liked it because
I`m in middle school too, and my best friend`s name is Greg. He`s like the
Wimpy Kid!
(Reff : Our Discovery Island, page 76)
OK class, I think you all understand what he is talking about. Jika belum paham bisa kalian ulang-ulang lagi. If you have understood please do some questions in Online Task : Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Bye.. Bye..
(Reff : Our Discovery Island, page 76)
OK class, I think you all understand what he is talking about. Jika belum paham bisa kalian ulang-ulang lagi. If you have understood please do some questions in Online Task : Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Bye.. Bye..
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