How wonderful today, right?? Nice to meet you again my students. Reading time my students..!!! Unit 4 kita telah membaca materi Good days and Bad days dengan reading teks My Good Day yang telah disertai Latihan Soal Online-nya. Mr Nash yakin kalian sudah lulus / passed cara membacanya. Right, untuk unit 5 ini adalah temanya Trips alias tentang perjalanan. Mr yakin you semua sudah pernah melakukan sebuah perjalan yang sangat berkesan.
So, this time kita akan pergi ke 3 wonderful places. Wow... It`s so wonderful...!!! Right, langsung aja kita terbang ke 3 tempat itu. As usual, Lets read together by listening the Mp3 below. Are you ready??? Great...!!! Listen up and read loudly...!!
A. Taj Mahal
So, this time kita akan pergi ke 3 wonderful places. Wow... It`s so wonderful...!!! Right, langsung aja kita terbang ke 3 tempat itu. As usual, Lets read together by listening the Mp3 below. Are you ready??? Great...!!! Listen up and read loudly...!!
A. Taj Mahal
Last year, I went to a city called Agra in India. I visited the Taj
Mahal with my family. A man called Emperor Shah Jahan married a princess called
Mumtaz Mahal. When she died he was very sad. He built the Taj Mahal for her.
Twenty thousand workers used one thousand elephants and finished it in 1653.
The tombs of Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife are inside the Taj Mahal. I think
the Taj Mahal is beautiful.
B. Fairy Chimneys
This summer, I went by bus to an ancient city in Turkey called
Cappadocia. We stayed in a hotel in front of the Uchiar Castle. During the day,
we visited a city that was inside the mountain. There are houses, restaurants,
and hotels all inside the mountain. We then went in a hot-air balloon and saw
the beautiful Fairy Chimneys. After that, we visited a famous Turkish bath. I
can`t wait to visit Cappadocia again next year.
C. Machu Picchu
Last year, I visited a city called Machu Picchu. It`s in the Andes
mountains in Peru. Long ago, people called Incans lived in this ancient city.
The city was lost in the mountains for hundreds of years. There are ruins of
gardens, houses, and even palace. My favorite ruin is called the Intihuatana
Stone. It was a big sundial at the top of big pyramid. There were often special
celebrations around the Intihuatana Stone. Machu Picchu is a great place to
(Reff : Our Discovery Island, page 70-71)
It`s so wonderful places, right? Siapa dari kalian yang ingin kesana? Mr yakin semua pingin kesana. Makanya belajar yang rajin.. He.. He.. OK class, I think that`s all for this meeting pastikan kalian sudah membaca sambil mendengar MP3-nya, jika belum lancar silahkan di-play berulang-ulang ya..!! Right, untuk mengetahui kalian paham atau belum silahkan coba latihan soalnya di Online Task : Trips.
Untuk selingan ada lagunya lho di Unit 5 ini silahkan Sing A Song : Trips. See you in the next meeting class...!!!
(Reff : Our Discovery Island, page 70-71)
It`s so wonderful places, right? Siapa dari kalian yang ingin kesana? Mr yakin semua pingin kesana. Makanya belajar yang rajin.. He.. He.. OK class, I think that`s all for this meeting pastikan kalian sudah membaca sambil mendengar MP3-nya, jika belum lancar silahkan di-play berulang-ulang ya..!! Right, untuk mengetahui kalian paham atau belum silahkan coba latihan soalnya di Online Task : Trips.
Untuk selingan ada lagunya lho di Unit 5 ini silahkan Sing A Song : Trips. See you in the next meeting class...!!!
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