Right, meet me again, Mr Nash in English subject. How is your condition in this time? Bagaimana kabarnya? So amazing kan? Mr harap seperti itu. Ok Class, to the point aja.. Jika di materi Reading kita sebelumnya sudah membahas : Where was Flo yesterday? beserta juga latihan soalnya. Maka pada kesempatan kali ini Mr Nash akan memberi materi Reading untuk Unit 2 : Wildlife Park.
Are you ready? Lets read this reading text by listening the MP3 below...!!!
Cool Camouflage for Chameleons!
Size : They are sometimes smaller than your finger. Some are longer than your arm! Females are often smaller than males.
Body : They have very long tongues and their feet have claws. They are very good at climbing.
Color : Chameleons are very clever-they use color to show how they feel or to hide. They can change color when they are nervous, scared, hot, or cold. A panther chameleon turns red when it is angry.
Places : A lot of chameleons live in Madagascar in Africa. Some live in India, too. They like hot, dry places.
Food : Chameleons eat insects and they are good at catching flies with their long tongues. Meller`s chameleons are big chameleons and they also eat small birds.
(Reff : Our Discovery Island Book - Student Book, page 29)
Gimana is it quite simple, right? Mr yakin kalian sudah sangat fluently alias lancar dan fasih. Jika
sudah lancar dan fasih maka sekarang coba kerjakan soal latihan di Cool Camouflage for Chameleons! Task.
Don`t forget mampir having fun dulu di Sing A Song : Wildlife Park, Mr yakin kalian akan semakin suka dengan Bhs Inggris. Is it right??? Hee.. He...
Don`t forget mampir having fun dulu di Sing A Song : Wildlife Park, Mr yakin kalian akan semakin suka dengan Bhs Inggris. Is it right??? Hee.. He...
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