Hello students...!!! How are students? Gimana kabar kalian kali ini? In this time we are going to have READING again. Jika beberapa waktu yang lalu Mr sudah memberi kalian Reading : Animal Wonders berikut juga soal latihannya di # Online Task - Reading : Animal Wonders, maka kali ini Mr akan memberi kalian new theme for READING.
International Fair
is the international fair. It looks like so much fun! All the Superkids and
their friends are there. Can you see the pinata? Toni broke the pinata. Hurry
up and get some candy, Toni! Beth and Ichiro are at the food table. Beth is
eating a taco. Ichiro is drinking juice. Don`t spill the juice, Ichiro! Look at
the magic show. That`s Sandy`s mother. She`s got at magic. Can you see the
clowns? They are juggling. Soon Yong likes clowns a lot. Diego is really happy.
Diego won the big prize. What a great international fair!
It`s so simple, right? Mudahkan. Mr kira kalian sudah tahu maksud tema READING kita kali ini. So, Mr mau memberi kalian beberapa soal terkait tema kali ini. Bisa kalian buka dan kerjakan saja latian soal Online di # OLT: The International Fair If you can answer the questions, you`ve understood.. OK.. Happy nice do work...!!!
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