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image : http://finkorswim.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/future.jpg |
Future artinya "yang akan datang / masa depan". So, Kalimat Simple Future Tense adalah kalimat yang mengungkapkan sebuah peristiwa atau kejadian yang akan datang. Remember please...!!! We use the Simple Future Tense when there is no plan or decision to do
something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the
time of speaking. Jadi kita memakai Simple Future Tense ketika kita akan melakukan sebuah kegiatan atau aktifitas yang tanpa ada perencanaan sebelumnya, otomatis. Look at these examples...!!!
Example :
- Hold on. I'll get a pen.
- We will see what we can do to help you.
- Maybe we'll stay in and watch television tonight.
Alright, itu contoh kecil pemakaian Kalimat Simple Future Tense. Lets go to the next level..!! Sebagaimana Simple Present Tense dan Simple Past Tense ada rumusnya, begitu juga di Simple Future Tense.Ini tense menurut Mr adalah tense yang paling mudah ketimbang Simple Present Tense dan Simple Past Tense
Rumus Simple Future Tense :
Positive : S + will / shall + V1
Negative : S + will not / shall not + V1
Interrogative : Will / Shall + S + V1
Cirinya bisa dilihat juga di Adverbial of time (Keterangan Waktu) :
tomorrow, tonight, next week, next month, next year, next time, on Sunday, ...later.
It`s different with Simple Present Tense dan Simple Past Tense. Dimana biasanya ada perubahan Verb (Kata Kerja). But here, positive, negative and interrogative are same, memakai V1.
Rumus : Positive : S + will / shall + V1
Example :
I will come to your home tomorrow.
They will play foot ball next week.
Chuck will go to International Fair tonight.
She and her sister will buy some fruits 5 minutes later.
It`s quite simple kan? Makanya tetap lanjut? Ok..!!
Rumus : Negative : S + will not / shall not + V1
Kita masih memakai kalimat yang sama biar kalian tidak confused or bingung.
Example :
I will not come to your home tomorrow.
They will not play foot ball next week.
Chuck will not go to International Fair tonight.
She and her sister will not buy some fruits 5 minutes later.
Note : will not = won`t
Sangat mudah sekali kan, hanya menambahkan kata NOT saja setelah WILL.
Rumus : Interrogative : Will / Shall + S + V1
Example :
Will you come to my home tomorrow? Yes, I will / No, I will not (won`t)
Will they play foot ball next week? Yes, they will / No, they will not (won`t)
Will Chuck go to International Fair tonight? Yes, he will / No, he will not (won`t)
Will she and her sister buy some fruits 5 minutes later? Yes, they will / No, they will not (won`t)
My students, is it easy? Sangat mudah kan.. Makanya seperti Mr sampaikan tadi bahwa Simple Future Tense adalah tense yang paling mudah di antara tense lainnya.. OK,, See you again in other time my beloved students.. For clearer or untuk lebih jelasnya bisa kalian buka penjelasan tambahannya di Simple Future Tense.
I think enough for this material. I hope you will understand what I`ve explained... Be a success...!!!
Untuk latihan soal bisa kalian lihat di On line Task : Future Tense &
# On Line Task : Will & Will be
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