In this time we want to tell you about the diagram of our family. Here, we are going to discuss it in bilingual (English - Indonesian). That`s why? Because our student is the fifth level of Elementary School (SD).
Grand Parent : Kakek Nenek
Grand Father / Grandpa : Kakek
Grand Mother / Grandma : Nenek
Father : Ayah / Bapak
Mother : Ibu / Mama
Father in law : Ayah mertua
Mother in law : Ibu mertua
Brother in law : Saudara Laki - laki Ipar
Sister in law : Saudara Perempuan ipar
Husband : Suami
Wife : Istri
Brother : Saudara Lk2
Sister : Saudara Pr
Son : Anak Lk2
Daughter : Anak Pr
Uncle : Paman / Om
Aunt : Bibi / Tante
Cousin : Saudara Sepupu
Nephew : Keponakan Lk2
Niece : Keponakan Pr
Grand Children : Cucu (>1)
Grand Son : Cucu Lk2
Grand Daughter : Cucu Pr
Child : Anak (1)
Children : Anak (>1)
Parent : Orang tua
OK Class..!!! Remember please..!!! Diingat - ingat ya?? Nah untuk tahu apa you semua paham or not please do contoh soal di On Line Task : Diagram of Family
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