There two how to tell TIME in English:
Formal but Easier
The first one is Say the hours first and then the minutes.
For example : 06.15 ---- It`s six fifteen
07.45 ---- It`s seven forty five
For minutes 01 through 09, you can pronounce the '0' as oh.
10.05 ---- It`s ten (oh) five
12.07 ---- It`s twelve (oh) seven
More Popular Way
Say the minutes first and then the hours. Use past and the preceding hour for minutes 01 through 30. Use to and the forthcoming hour for minutes 31 through 59
For example : 06.15 ---- It`s fifteen past six
07.45 ---- It`s fifteen to eight
08.10 ---- It`s ten past eight
12.20 ---- It`s twenty past twelve
05.40 ---- It`s twenty to six
NOTE : 15` = a quarter
30` = a half
For example : 05.15 ---- It`s a quarter past five
09.30 ---- It`s a half past nine / It`s a half to ten
10.45 ---- It`s a quarter to eleven
NOTE : Use o'clock only at the full hour
For example : 04.00 ---- It`s four o`clock
05.00 ---- It`s five o`clock
09.00 ---- It`s nine o`clock
Do you understand? Sudah paham semua anak-anak? Coba jika kalian sudah paham please do this task kerjakan soal latihan di klik On Line Task : What time is it?
Formal but Easier
The first one is Say the hours first and then the minutes.
07.45 ---- It`s seven forty five
For minutes 01 through 09, you can pronounce the '0' as oh.
10.05 ---- It`s ten (oh) five
12.07 ---- It`s twelve (oh) seven
More Popular Way
Say the minutes first and then the hours. Use past and the preceding hour for minutes 01 through 30. Use to and the forthcoming hour for minutes 31 through 59
For example : 06.15 ---- It`s fifteen past six
07.45 ---- It`s fifteen to eight
08.10 ---- It`s ten past eight
12.20 ---- It`s twenty past twelve
05.40 ---- It`s twenty to six
NOTE : 15` = a quarter
30` = a half
For example : 05.15 ---- It`s a quarter past five
09.30 ---- It`s a half past nine / It`s a half to ten
10.45 ---- It`s a quarter to eleven
NOTE : Use o'clock only at the full hour
For example : 04.00 ---- It`s four o`clock
05.00 ---- It`s five o`clock
09.00 ---- It`s nine o`clock
Do you understand? Sudah paham semua anak-anak? Coba jika kalian sudah paham please do this task kerjakan soal latihan di klik On Line Task : What time is it?
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