Selasa, 01 Mei 2012

Ways to Make Us Speak English Fluently

There are many ways how to make us can speak English fluently. One word that can describe this way, that is PRACTICE. Yes, practice is the most way or incredible way how to make us can speak English fluently. In here, there is one problem should be overcome here.  That is not all people have a brave to speak automatically. That`s why? One of the reasons is less vocabulary. So that, there is a great way how to make people can enjoy speaking English though they have less vocabulary. The international fair activities. The fifth student level of SDII AL-Abidin Surakarta has the great program. Make student speak English with international fair.

There are some program to make The International Fair be successful, they are :

Divide Student into small group

First step is Please divide students into small group. One group consists of 9 up to 11 students. The International Fair in SDII Al – Abidin Surakarta has ten groups. Because the theme is “With Arabic and English we know the world”, so that the students divided into five Arabic Country (Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Lebanon, Egypt, and UEA) and English Country (USA, England, Singapore, Australia, and South Africa).

Ask five students to make conversation or dialogue

Let them to make conversation by using their language. No correction and no discuss about the grammar. Because it`s speaking so that let them be free to make their language. Don`t stress in Grammar and tenses first. They have a brave speaking is our aim. The correct sentences will come outimatically. Make sure we give them the theme, it was “culture, famous place, and famous food their own country. They would talk about it on the podium or stage.

Ask three or two students to make some questions

In this event there is an activity. That is the visiting other country season. Three or two students who chosen should make some questions that used when they visit other country. So that, they will try to make interesting question because they will get score to make their group be the winner.

Ask three or two student as Guide for their own country

When there are some students for other countries. They are as guess, so the invited country should provide guidance to make their guess enjoy. 

Tasting the famous food

It`s the most interesting activity, taste the food. When they visit other countries should speak in English or Arabic because they visit English and Arabic countries. If they can speak fluently they will get chance to taste some food from the country that they visited.
Those are some ways how to make students speak English or Arabic or foreign language fluently. They will be happy and enjoy speak foreign languages. Happy nice practice these ways…!!!!

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